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Soldier Life


The bulk of the soldiers diet consisted of canned corn beef, bread, and biscuits. By the winter of 1916 there was such a small supply of flour they would make bread with dried ground turnips. Watch this video on a soldier making his meal.

Spare Time

In your average soldiers free time, you may notice them gambling with playing cards, writing letters to friends or family, or even drew sketches to pass time. When a group of soldiers had spare time, they may play sports games including Soccer. Sports were encouraged by military authorities, because it was maintaining fitness. Other sports may include Cricket or Football.


The soldiers had a pretty simple rotation. First they would work hard in the front lines shooting at the enemy. Next the soldiers would go to the support trenches, where it was less stress, but were ready to give help. After that, they went to the reserve trenches. Here they could relax and have time off to recalibrate.


In trenches, health conditions were rough because of the trench foot, from the mud all over. Trench foot is a medical condition that most soldiers get after spending a lot of time in the trenches. This happens when your feet are exposed to unsanitary, wet, and cold conditions. Trench fever was a very contagious problem transferred by lice in the trenches. This was very uncomfortable for the soldiers and caused other issues as well. Considering that trenches are where most soldiers spent their time, many died in them. This also ment soldiers saw their friends injured, or dying at some point of their time serving. I bet this was hard, because this is a part of what caused PTSD,


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